SEOUL MATES: Jenikah & Matt
Jenikah and Matt are both American expats now living in Seoul, South Korea. They’re both from southern California where they met, dated for several years, and eventually married. Right after they got married, Matt moved to Seoul to get his masters while teaching English. Admirably, they’re were a very strong and independent long-distance newlywed couple. After Matt completed his masters program, he decided he loved Seoul so much and didn’t want to leave and convinced Jenikah to move to Seoul to be with him. After being apart for two years, she decided to quit her full time job in America and move to Seoul to be with her husband. Funny enough, Jenikah is naturally from Korea. She was adopted in America when she was a baby.
I’ve known Matt personally for over ten years, I photographed their wedding, and have done a few anniversary sessions with them, and recently did this one in their new hometown of Seoul, documenting the feel of their new life together as expatriates in this incredibly fascinating city.