This was a month ago, but because I’m not the best at blogging, it’s finally being talked about. I’m a busy girl, and a busy girl’s got stuff to do!
I second shot this one with globe-trotting all-star; Laura Grier of Beautiful Day Photography. We left LA at about 6am and arrived in San Francisco in time for a meeting in the afternoon and then drove into Napa Valley in time for a walk-through at Calistoga Ranch where the most epic wedding ever would take place that weekend.
The next day was the “Maggie & Jeff Show” rehearsal dinner which was “summer camp” themed. The evening was filled with completely hilarious yet slightly inappropriate speeches from fellow actor/comedian friends and family. The whole thing was put together very well. A lot of details. You could tell how much fun the wedding was going to be just based on how epic the rehearsal dinner alone was.
They were just too easy. I love it when couples don’t require much direction. It’s all confidence, people! Don’t care about how you look, just trust us!
Real quick: The story behind this cake, and yes, that is entirely a 100% edible cake, is that Jeff and Maggie both used to be actors while living in New York. Jeff used to repeatedly send his headshot to the producer of The Sopranos taped inside of a pizza box so that he’d hopefully get noticed and land a part in the television series. Well, as luck would and persistence would have it, Jeff landed a part in the finale…as a silhouette in a window! Ha! Hey, it worked. So Maggie, in her perfect sense of humor, surprises Jeff with a groom cake as a gag gift that replicated one of the several head shots in a pizza box that Jeff had sent to the desk of the producer. All of that was cake, even the desk!